Stop Scorpions In Their Tracks: Top Techniques For Control For Phoenix Properties

bark scorpion in dark

Scorpion pest control in Phoenix is fundamental for keeping your family safe throughout the year. While it's true that scorpions prefer to hide rather than attack humans, their choice of hiding places makes accidental confrontations more likely. 

The aim of this article is to provide you with key information on scorpions as pests and effective techniques for preventing scorpion problems in the future. We'll cover a lot of ground, from common hiding places and the effects of stings to prevention and the value of professional scorpion control.

Scorpion Hotspots: Where They Hide And Thrive

So, where are scorpions found in the home? What are some of their favorite hiding places? Unfortunately for us, scorpions like to hide in dark, moist places, and our homes offer plenty of spaces that match this description. 

It's common for scorpions in Phoenix to hide in dark areas of bathrooms, underneath furniture, and even inside shoes. Generally speaking, it's unlikely to find a scorpion out in the open, especially during the day. Scorpions only leave their hiding places when they really need to. 

As you may have guessed, these indoor hiding places are very inconvenient for us humans, and they lead to a relatively high chance of encountering a scorpion when you weren't expecting to. This is bad for you, and it's bad for the scorpion. 

While professional control is the permanent solution to this problem, in the moment, it's important to keep your distance. 

Scorpion Stings: Symptoms And Treatments

So what if you do happen to get stung by a scorpion? Are scorpions deadly? There are certain scorpions that have venom strong enough to be lethal to humans. But this isn't the case for most scorpions.

In either case, scorpion stings can cause a number of symptoms, such as trouble breathing, twitching muscles, and numbness. You can treat the site of a scorpion sting with soap and water, a cold compress, and take pain medications like ibuprofen and acetaminophen to reduce discomfort. 

You should then try to speak with a medical professional as soon as possible. If you have an allergy to insect stings, you should seek immediate treatment. In sum, stings from most scorpions won't cause serious problems for the majority of people. But, specific scorpions can be far more dangerous, and individuals with allergies are at greater risk from scorpion stings.  

Scorpion Prevention: Top Techniques That Work

Next up: how to prevent scorpions from coming into your home and finding a hiding place. The following tips will help you prevent scorpions from disrupting your day-to-day life: 

  • Get rid of any and all sources of standing water. 
  • Close any gaps in the exterior walls of your house. 
  • Keep the area just outside your home free of debris. 
  • Manage infestations of other small insects in the area, such as crickets. 
  • Check for damage to your window screens. Repair or replace damaged screens as soon as possible. 

If you make use of these tips on a regular basis, scorpions simply won't have an easy way into your home. 

Professional Scorpion Control: Why Expertise Matters

Professional scorpion control in Phoenix is still undoubtedly the best solution for residential scorpion issues. As we've already discussed, scorpion stings are dangerous at the worst of times and painful at the best of times. Professionals can safely remove scorpions, and you don't have to lift a finger. 

Also, pest control professionals can account for the unique qualities and layout of your home to offer custom solutions and make informed recommendations for future prevention efforts. 

If you're looking for scorpion control near you, get in touch with us here at Overson Pest Control today.